Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Being short and fat can be tough when it comes to costuming but there are some fun characters out there. This was from NYCCC 2012. I am the Penguin, and my Beloved is The Riddler. It was funny the number of people who thought, "The Joker!" Close, but not quite.

This was another costume that was mostly purchased pieces. Our hats with both bought from the Halloween Store near Union Square in NYC. We just added purple ribbon and a question mark on the green hat. My white shirt was from a thrift store for $5, the bow tie we just had lying around for some reason, my Tux jacket was from eBay for just $40. You can't see my purple pants, but they're from eBay, too. They were slightly too long. Being short, that will always be a problem. The monacle and the cigarette holder may have also come from the Halloween Store. I just can't remember.

The Riddler costume is still my favorite. The jacket and shirt just fit so nice. I love the way it looks. We got that purple jacket at a thrift store someplace downtown. The question marks were all ironed on using fuse-able interfacing. We used a bunch of different fonts for the marks. He's wearing green pants that I got from eBay. The gloves may have been part of the Ma Hunkle costume from the previous year. The cane is just a wooden dowel. The topper is a diamond shaped candle holder. Mike got some fimo clay and made a question mark for the bottom of the holder which he then filled with clay and screwed on the top of the dowel. It lasted for the day, but now it's in pieces. It'd be easy enough to fix it but we'll have to figure out a way to secure it better.

These costumes were fun. I spent a lot of the day waving at other Penguins that were dressed just like me. I enjoyed it, but there is something fun about being the only one in your costume. Mike's wasn't the only Riddler, but I still think he was the best one. This one is still my favorite.

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