Monday, April 28, 2014

Shopping for Capes!

Saturday morning/afternoon we spent it at Mood Fabrics! It's always a fun store to visit but because of all the choices, if you don't have a project in mind it kinda becomes like food shopping while hungry. Good for Mood, not so good for your own wallet.

We knew we needed some metallic green fabric for Mike's cape. We found the perfect fabric on a previous trip in a spandex at the spandex store across the street from Mood. The one we visited was called Stretch House on 37th Street, but up a block on 38th Street there is another place called Spandex House and just a shop or two over from that one there is Spandex World. Until I started this project I had no idea there were so many competing spandex shops in the city. That they all can survive so close together makes me wonder just how much spandex the general public uses. You can actually stand in the doorway of Spandex House, and taunt Spandex World, if that's how you want to roll. It's like the Starbucks of the fabric world.

Aaaaanyway, so we go to Mood for the other stuff. Like fabric for my reddish cape, some lining for the green metallic cape, and that's it! Nothing extra. After wandering around the entire place a few times we found everything we needed in one tiny corner. Because we kept coming and going from that same corner we got to know Markese pretty well and he probably heard more about our costume project than he thought he needed to know.  He was a good sport about it at least.

That pic up there is of the fabrics we picked for our capes. What's not there is the roll of buckram for the big ole' stand up collar on Mike's cape. Currently, Mike's cape is cut and the main part is sewn together, I just need to do the collar and the pleats on the shoulder. After that, I'll get to work on mine and then we need to make the gold pieces to pin the capes on. I'm open to suggestion on how to do that bit.

Tomorrow I'll have pics of my progress so far. As always, wish me luck!

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